
A toy elliptic curve over a finite field

Here is a first example of an elliptic curve over a finite field where you can work everything out by hand.

Consider the elliptic curve defined by the equation
over the field F5. Multiplying out the right hand side, we see that (over F5), the right hand side (“RHS”) is x3x2+x1. So our equation is not in Weierstrass form, but that’s fine. It’s still defines an elliptic curve. Note that we know immediately that it is non-singular, since the roots of the RHS are distinct.

It’s easy to find all the solutions (x,y) to our equation by hand – just consider each possible value for xF5, calculate the RHS, and set y=±RHS, if such y exist. So we first need to know which values in F5 are squares:


Thus the points on our elliptic curve are
The point O is the solution at infinity: this is the one extra solution (0:0:1) that arises when the equation defining the elliptic curve is homogenized, and solutions in the projective plane are permitted. The other solutions live in the “affine” (x,y) plane.

The nice thing about working over an unextended finite field like F5 is that it is still “1-dimensional”, so the affine solutions (x,y) can be depicted on a 2-dimensional diagram like the following:

Fortunately, the familiar geometric description of the group operation on elliptic curves in terms of line intersections still works (why?). That is, any two points can be added by drawing a line through them, finding the third point of intersection, and reflecting through the line y=0, and the point O corresponds to the vertical direction and is the identity element of the group.

For example, it is immediate from this rule that A+B=C. Remembering that lines wrap-around our diagram (which is actually a torus), what do you think C+D is equal to? (Hint: it’s the next letter of the alphabet).

As in the case over R:

  • If a vertical line passes through two distinct affine points such as (0,2) and (0,3), then (since it also intersects with O in the projective plane) these points are inverses of one another w.r.t. the group operation. (We’ve labelled D,E to reflect this.)
  • If a vertical line hits a single affine point (e.g. the line x=1) then this point is its own inverse.

Thus A,B,C are all group elements of order 2.

Amusingly, the geometric rule for point doubling using tangents still works, as well. The slope of the tangent at a point (x,y) on our elliptic curve can be calculated in the usual way.
These slopes are depicted on our diagram with dashed blue lines. Following these tangents, you can immediately verify that
and so ±D,±E have order 4 as group elements.

The orders of our group elements are enough to conclude that our group (call it G) is isomorphic to Z2×Z4. Indeed, since A+B=C and A+D=E (to check, just follow the lines!) we have that
is an isomorphism of groups GZ2×Z4.

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